Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Matt's Summer Reads

HI! Matthew here!

I just wanted to talk about a few books since it's summer and you might be by the pool, your bathtub, or the beach.

Books that I want to read this summer are:

Jack Kirby: King of Comics - because I really have found an appreciation for his art.
Soon I Will Be Invincible (okay, I've already started this one) - because I am a Supernerd.

As I Lay Dying ( I will also accept The Sound and the Fury) - Faulkner. Is there a better thing to read during the hottest months?
Kitchen Confidential - swashbuckling kitchen tales with knives and reduction sauces!

There are probably one thousand others that I can't think of right now.
If you are reading, or have read any of them, let me know.

Our Reader's Advisory section is pretty helpful too.

Hope you summers are going well.

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